- crack_direction_methodMethod to determine direction of crack propagation. Choices are: CrackDirectionVector CrackMouth CurvedCrackFront
C++ Type:MooseEnum
Description:Method to determine direction of crack propagation. Choices are: CrackDirectionVector CrackMouth CurvedCrackFront
- incrementalFalseFlag to indicate whether an incremental or total model is being used.
C++ Type:bool
Description:Flag to indicate whether an incremental or total model is being used.
- integralsDomain integrals to calculate. Choices are: JIntegral CIntegral KFromJIntegral InteractionIntegralKI InteractionIntegralKII InteractionIntegralKIII InteractionIntegralT
C++ Type:MultiMooseEnum
Description:Domain integrals to calculate. Choices are: JIntegral CIntegral KFromJIntegral InteractionIntegralKI InteractionIntegralKII InteractionIntegralKIII InteractionIntegralT
Creates the MOOSE objects needed to compute fraction domain integrals
The DomainIntegral
action is used to set up all of the objects used in computing all fracture domain integrals, including the -integral, interaction integral, and T-stress. To use the fracture domain integrals, one must set up a model that incorporates a crack using one of two techniques:
Meshed crack: The crack can be explicity included by creating a mesh with a topology that conforms to the crack. The location of the crack tip is provided to the code by defining a nodeset that includes all nodes in the finite element mesh that are located along the crack front. For 2D analyses, this nodeset would only contain a single node at the crack tip. For 3D analyses, the mesh connectivity is used to construct a set of line segments that connect these nodes, and this is used to order the crack nodes.
XFEM: Rather than defining the topology of the crack through the mesh, XFEM can be used to cut the mesh. In this case, a set of points, which does not need to conform to points in the mesh, must be provided by the user, and is used to define the location of the crack for coumputing the fracture integrals. Fracture integrals are computed at the locations of these points, in the order provided by the user.
Details on the theory behind the computation of the various fracture integrals are provided here.
Objects created by this Action
Table 1: Classes used to perform various fracture integrals specified through the integrals
Class | Type | Functionality |
JIntegral | VectorPostprocessor | Computes -Integral at all points on crack front for a given integration ring |
InteractionIntegral | VectorPostprocessor | Computes , , , or stress using interaction integral at all points on crack front for a given integration ring |
MixedModeEquivalentK | VectorPostprocessor | Computes an exquivalent stress intensity factor from , , and |
CrackFrontDefinition | UserObject | Defines crack front and provides geometry-related functions used by JIntegral and InteractionIntegral |
VectorPostprocessorComponent | Postprocessor | Reports individual quantities computed by VectorPostprocessors at a specific point on the crack front |
CrackFrontData | Postprocessor | Reports values of requested variables at crack front points |
VectorOfPostprocessors | VectorPostprocessor | Assembles CrackFrontData values into a vector for output |
ThermalFractureIntegral | Material | Computes derivative of all eigenstrains with respect to temperature for use in fracture integrals |
StrainEnergyDensity | Material | Computes strain energy density for use in fracture integrals |
DomainIntegralQFunction | AuxKernel | Optionally populates AuxVariables with values of the geometry-based q function when output_q=true |
DomainIntegralTopologicalQFunction | AuxKernel | Optionally populates AuxVariables with values of the topology-based q function when output_q=true |
Input Parameters
- 2dFalseTreat body as two-dimensional
C++ Type:bool
Description:Treat body as two-dimensional
- active__all__ If specified only the blocks named will be visited and made active
C++ Type:std::vector<std::string>
Description:If specified only the blocks named will be visited and made active
- axis_2d2Out of plane axis for models treated as two-dimensional (0=x, 1=y, 2=z)
C++ Type:unsigned int
Description:Out of plane axis for models treated as two-dimensional (0=x, 1=y, 2=z)
- blockThe block ids where integrals are defined
C++ Type:std::vector<SubdomainName>
Description:The block ids where integrals are defined
- body_forceMaterial defining body force
C++ Type:MaterialPropertyName
Description:Material defining body force
- boundaryBoundary containing the crack front points
C++ Type:std::vector<BoundaryName>
Description:Boundary containing the crack front points
- closed_loopFalseSet of points forms forms a closed loop
C++ Type:bool
Description:Set of points forms forms a closed loop
- control_tagsAdds user-defined labels for accessing object parameters via control logic.
C++ Type:std::vector<std::string>
Description:Adds user-defined labels for accessing object parameters via control logic.
- crack_direction_vectorDirection of crack propagation
C++ Type:libMesh::VectorValue<double>
Description:Direction of crack propagation
- crack_direction_vector_end_1Direction of crack propagation for the node at end 1 of the crack
C++ Type:libMesh::VectorValue<double>
Description:Direction of crack propagation for the node at end 1 of the crack
- crack_direction_vector_end_2Direction of crack propagation for the node at end 2 of the crack
C++ Type:libMesh::VectorValue<double>
Description:Direction of crack propagation for the node at end 2 of the crack
- crack_end_direction_methodNoSpecialTreatmentMethod to determine direction of crack propagation at ends of crack. Choices are: NoSpecialTreatment CrackDirectionVector CrackTangentVector
C++ Type:MooseEnum
Description:Method to determine direction of crack propagation at ends of crack. Choices are: NoSpecialTreatment CrackDirectionVector CrackTangentVector
- crack_front_pointsSet of points to define crack front
C++ Type:std::vector<libMesh::Point>
Description:Set of points to define crack front
- crack_front_points_providerThe UserObject provides the crack front points from XFEM GeometricCutObject
C++ Type:UserObjectName
Description:The UserObject provides the crack front points from XFEM GeometricCutObject
- crack_mouth_boundaryBoundaries whose average coordinate defines the crack mouth
C++ Type:std::vector<BoundaryName>
Description:Boundaries whose average coordinate defines the crack mouth
- crack_tangent_vector_end_1Direction of crack tangent for the node at end 1 of the crack
C++ Type:libMesh::VectorValue<double>
Description:Direction of crack tangent for the node at end 1 of the crack
- crack_tangent_vector_end_2Direction of crack tangent for the node at end 2 of the crack
C++ Type:libMesh::VectorValue<double>
Description:Direction of crack tangent for the node at end 2 of the crack
- disp_xVariable containing the x displacement
C++ Type:VariableName
Description:Variable containing the x displacement
- disp_yVariable containing the y displacement
C++ Type:VariableName
Description:Variable containing the y displacement
- disp_zVariable containing the z displacement
C++ Type:VariableName
Description:Variable containing the z displacement
- displacementsThe displacements appropriate for the simulation geometry and coordinate system
C++ Type:std::vector<VariableName>
Description:The displacements appropriate for the simulation geometry and coordinate system
- eigenstrain_gradientMaterial defining gradient of eigenstrain tensor
C++ Type:MaterialPropertyName
Description:Material defining gradient of eigenstrain tensor
- eigenstrain_namesList of eigenstrains applied in the strain calculation
C++ Type:std::vector<MaterialPropertyName>
Description:List of eigenstrains applied in the strain calculation
- equivalent_kFalseCalculate an equivalent K from KI, KII and KIII, assuming self-similar crack growth.
C++ Type:bool
Description:Calculate an equivalent K from KI, KII and KIII, assuming self-similar crack growth.
- familyLAGRANGESpecifies the family of FE shape functions to use for q AuxVariables
C++ Type:std::string
Description:Specifies the family of FE shape functions to use for q AuxVariables
- first_ringThe number of rings of nodes to generate
C++ Type:unsigned int
Description:The number of rings of nodes to generate
- functionally_graded_youngs_modulusSpatially varying elasticity modulus variable. This input is required when using the functionally graded material capability.
C++ Type:MaterialPropertyName
Description:Spatially varying elasticity modulus variable. This input is required when using the functionally graded material capability.
- functionally_graded_youngs_modulus_crack_dir_gradientGradient of the spatially varying Young's modulus provided in 'functionally_graded_youngs_modulus' in the direction of crack extension.
C++ Type:MaterialPropertyName
Description:Gradient of the spatially varying Young's modulus provided in 'functionally_graded_youngs_modulus' in the direction of crack extension.
- inactiveIf specified blocks matching these identifiers will be skipped.
C++ Type:std::vector<std::string>
Description:If specified blocks matching these identifiers will be skipped.
- inelastic_modelsThe material objects to use to calculate the strain energy rate density.
C++ Type:std::vector<MaterialName>
Description:The material objects to use to calculate the strain energy rate density.
- intersecting_boundaryBoundaries intersected by ends of crack
C++ Type:std::vector<BoundaryName>
Description:Boundaries intersected by ends of crack
- j_integral_radius_innerRadius for J-Integral calculation
C++ Type:std::vector<double>
Description:Radius for J-Integral calculation
- j_integral_radius_outerRadius for J-Integral calculation
C++ Type:std::vector<double>
Description:Radius for J-Integral calculation
- last_ringThe number of rings of nodes to generate
C++ Type:unsigned int
Description:The number of rings of nodes to generate
- nringsThe number of rings of nodes to generate
C++ Type:unsigned int
Description:The number of rings of nodes to generate
- number_points_from_providerThe number of crack front points, only needed if crack_front_points_provider is used.
C++ Type:unsigned int
Description:The number of crack front points, only needed if crack_front_points_provider is used.
- orderFIRSTSpecifies the order of the FE shape function to use for q AuxVariables
C++ Type:std::string
Description:Specifies the order of the FE shape function to use for q AuxVariables
- output_qTrueOutput q
C++ Type:bool
Description:Output q
- output_variableVariable values to be reported along the crack front
C++ Type:std::vector<VariableName>
Description:Variable values to be reported along the crack front
- output_vppTrueFlag to control the vector postprocessor outputs. Select false to suppress the redundant csv files for each time step and ring
C++ Type:bool
Description:Flag to control the vector postprocessor outputs. Select false to suppress the redundant csv files for each time step and ring
- poissons_ratioPoisson's ratio
C++ Type:double
Description:Poisson's ratio
- position_typeDistanceThe method used to calculate position along crack front. Options are: Angle Distance
C++ Type:MooseEnum
Description:The method used to calculate position along crack front. Options are: Angle Distance
- q_function_ringsFalseGenerate rings of nodes for q-function
C++ Type:bool
Description:Generate rings of nodes for q-function
- q_function_typeGeometryThe method used to define the integration domain. Options are: Geometry Topology
C++ Type:MooseEnum
Description:The method used to define the integration domain. Options are: Geometry Topology
- radius_innerInner radius for volume integral domain
C++ Type:std::vector<double>
Description:Inner radius for volume integral domain
- radius_outerOuter radius for volume integral domain
C++ Type:std::vector<double>
Description:Outer radius for volume integral domain
- ring_firstThe first ring of elements for volume integral domain
C++ Type:unsigned int
Description:The first ring of elements for volume integral domain
- ring_lastThe last ring of elements for volume integral domain
C++ Type:unsigned int
Description:The last ring of elements for volume integral domain
- symmetry_planeAccount for a symmetry plane passing through the plane of the crack, normal to the specified axis (0=x, 1=y, 2=z)
C++ Type:unsigned int
Description:Account for a symmetry plane passing through the plane of the crack, normal to the specified axis (0=x, 1=y, 2=z)
- t_stressFalseCalculate T-stress
C++ Type:bool
Description:Calculate T-stress
- temperatureThe temperature
C++ Type:VariableName
Description:The temperature
- use_automatic_differentiationFalseFlag to use automatic differentiation (AD) objects when possible
C++ Type:bool
Description:Flag to use automatic differentiation (AD) objects when possible
- used_by_xfem_to_grow_crackFalseFlag to trigger domainIntregal vector postprocessors to be executed on nonlinear. This updates the values in the vector postprocessor which will allow the crack to grow in XFEM cutter objects that use the domainIntegral vector postprocssor values as a growth criterion.
C++ Type:bool
Description:Flag to trigger domainIntregal vector postprocessors to be executed on nonlinear. This updates the values in the vector postprocessor which will allow the crack to grow in XFEM cutter objects that use the domainIntegral vector postprocssor values as a growth criterion.
- youngs_modulusYoung's modulus
C++ Type:double
Description:Young's modulus