Ferret-only Syntax
- Ferret App
- PolarizationNWEMarkerThe the refinement state based on a threshold value compared to the specified variable.
- Ferret App
- AFDWallEnergyDensityCalculates the free energy density due to the local gradients in the antiphase tilt vector field
- AFMEasyPlaneAnisotropyEnergyDensityCalculates the free energy density due easy-plane (or easy-axis) anisotropy
- AFMExchangeStiffnessEnergyDensityCalculates the energy density due to inhomogeneous AFM exchange stiffness.
- AFMSingleIonCubicSixthAnisotropyEnergyDensityCalculates the energy density due to corrections of single-ion environment of the sixth order in the spin.
- AFMSpinCurrentLLdotCalculates the AFM spin current component corresponding to the cross product of with d/dt.
- AFMSpinCurrentLMdotCalculates the AFM spin current component corresponding to the cross product of L with dm/dt
- AFMSpinCurrentMLdotCalculates the AFM spin current component corresponding to the cross product of m with dL/dt
- AFMSpinCurrentMMdotCalculates the AFM spin current component corresponding to the cross product of M with dM/dt
- AFMSublatticeDMInteractionEnergyDensityCalculates the DM interaction free energy density (coupling AFD and magnetic ordering).
- AFMSublatticeSuperexchangeEnergyDensityCalculates the free energy density corresponding to the AFM superexchange coupling.
- AFMTotalEnergyDensityCalculates the sum of energy densities
- AngleBetweenTwoVectorsUseful calculation of the angle between two vectors
- BandGapAuxTiO2Calculates the changes to local band gap due to the elastic stress fields.
- BandGapAuxZnOCalculates the changes to local band gap due to the elastic strain fields.
- BandGapAuxZnOwRotCalculates the changes to local band gap due to the elastic strain fields, respecting local crystallographic orientations.
- BirefringenceComputes the difference between refractive indices (birefringence).
- BulkEnergyDensityCalculates the free energy density from the bulk energy (up to eighth order)
- ChangeInRefractiveIndexCalculates the changes to local refractive index.
- ChangeInRefractiveIndexElectroCalculates the changes to local refractive index due to the electric field.
- ChangeInRefractiveIndexWithGCoeffPolarCalculates the changes to local refractive index due to the polar-optic effect.
- ChangeInRefractiveIndexWithPolarCalculates the changes to local refractive index due to the polar-optic effect.
- DemagFieldAuxConverts magnetostatic potential to the vector demagnetization field.
- DemagFieldAuxPMLConverts magnetostatic potential to the vector demagnetization field.
- DivPCalculates div P
- ElasticEnergyDensityComputes the free energy density due to the local elastic interaction
- ElastoChangeInRefractiveIndexCalculates the changes to local refractive index due to the elastooptic effect.
- ElecFieldAuxConverts electrostatic potential to the vector electric field.
- ElectricFluxTensorElectric flux generated
- ElectronDensity
- ElectrostrictiveCouplingEnergyDensityComputes the free energy density of the local electrostrictive coupling.
- ElectrostrictiveEnergyDensityComputes the free energy density of the local electrostrictive coupling.
- ExchangeFieldAuxComputes the exchange field
- FourierHeatCalculates a residual contribution due to k*deltaT = 0
- HarmonicFieldAuxCalculates a harmonic field
- HeatFluxTensorheat flux generated
- HoleDensityAux
- IsotropicTEMaterialElecFluxNeeds documentation
- IsotropicTEMaterialHeatFluxElectric potential generated due to heat flux
- JacobiansBulkEnergyCalculates the free energy density dependent on the local polarization field.
- JacobiansRotoBulkEnergyCalculates the jacobian entries due to the microforce from the (roto) bulk terms.
- JacobiansRotopolarCoupledEnergyCalculates the jacobian entries for the rotopolar microforce.
- MagneticExchangeEnergyDensityCart
- MicroforceBulkEnergyCalculates the free energy density dependent on the local polarization field.
- MicroforceElectrostaticEnergyComputes the microforce due to the local electrostatic coupling.
- MicroforceElectrostrictiveCouplingEnergyComputes the free energy density of the local electrostrictive coupling.
- MicroforceRotoBulkEnergyCalculates the free energy density dependent on the local polarization field.
- MicroforceRotopolarCoupledDistortEnergyCalculates the free energy density dependent on the local polarization field.
- MicroforceRotopolarCoupledPolarEnergyCalculates the free energy density dependent on the local polarization field.
- MicroforceWallEnergy
- PolarOpticChangeInRefractiveIndexCalculates the changes to local refractive index due to the polar-optic effect.
- PontryaginDensity
- QuasistaticFieldAuxConverts potential to the vector field.
- RefractiveIndex
- ReworkedRefractiveIndex
- RotoBulkEnergyDensity
- RotoPolarCouplingEnergyDensity
- RotostrictiveCouplingEnergyDensity
- SDBulkEnergyDensityCalculates the free energy density dependent on the local polarization field.
- SphericalCoordinateVectorCalculates the spherical coordinates from a vector
- SurfaceChargePCalculates P*n
- TensorPressureAuxCalculates the value of the hydrostatic stress (which is 1/3 the minus of the stress tensor trace).
- ThermoelectricZTAuxCalculates thermoelectric figure of merit
- TimeDependentFieldAuxAdds time-dependence to a spatial-varying field
- Transform111Order
- Transformed110Order
- Transformed111Order
- TransformedMicroforceElectrostrictiveCouplingEnergyComputes the free energy density of the local electrostrictive coupling.
- TransformedMicroforceRotostrictiveCouplingEnergyComputes the free energy density of the local electrostrictive coupling.
- ValueAuxStores a variable as an Aux field
- VectorDiffOrSumCalculates the difference or sum of a variable
- VectorMag
- WallEnergyDensity
- Ferret App
- ABO3CoupledPhaseField
- Ferret App
- ABO3CoupledPhaseFieldActionSet up homogeneous or inhomogeneous ferroelectric materials problem. This can be steady-state or time-dependent. The modes of coupling can be to the inhomogeneous strain fields or renormalized in the potential.
- Ferret App
- S3DFourierNoiseGenerate noise from a fourier series
- SDFourierNoiseGenerate noise from a fourier series
- Ferret App
- ADThermoelectricMaterialGeneral-purpose material model for thermoelectrics
- ComputeDeltaIndicatrixCompute the adjustments to the indicatrix (beta tensor).
- ComputeDeltaIndicatrixElectroCompute the adjustments to the indicatrix (beta tensor).
- ComputeElastoopticTensorCompute a photostrictive tensor.
- ComputeElectricalConductivityTDepTensorStore a temperature dependent electrical conductivity tensor.
- ComputeElectricalConductivityTensorStore an electric conductivity tensor
- ComputeElectroopticTensorCompute an electrooptic tensor.
- ComputeElectrostrictiveTensorCompute an electrostrictive tensor.
- ComputeGCoeffTensorCompute a polar-optic (g) tensor.
- ComputeIndicatrixCompute the impermeability tensor, or indicatrix.
- ComputePiezoTensorCompute the converse piezoelectric tensor.
- ComputePiezostrictiveTensorCompute a piezostrictive tensor.
- ComputePolarOpticGCoeffTensorCompute the adjustments to the indicatrix due to the polar-optic effect with gijkl coefficients.
- ComputePolarOpticTensorCompute the adjustments to the indicatrix (beta tensor) due to the polar-optic effect.
- ComputeSeebeckTDepTensorCompute a Seebeck tensor.
- ComputeSeebeckTensorCompute a Seebeck tensor.
- ComputeThermalConductivityTDepTensorCompute a ThermalConductivity tensor.
- ComputeThermalConductivityTensorCompute a ThermalConductivity tensor.
- ThermoelectricMaterialGeneral-purpose material model for thermoelectrics
- Ferret App
- AFDWall2EnergyDerivative
- AFDWallEnergyDerivative
- AFMEasyPlaneAnisotropyCalculates a residual contribution for the magnetic anisotropy energy.
- AFMEasyPlaneAnisotropySCCalculates a residual contribution for the magnetic anisotropy energy.
- AFMHomogeneousSublatticeExchangeCalculates a residual contribution for the sublattice exchange in an antiferromagnet
- AFMInteractionCartLLCalculates a residual contribution for the sublattice exchange in an antiferromagnet
- AFMInteractionCartLLHConstCalculates a residual contribution for the sublattice exchange in an antiferromagnet
- AFMLocalSublatticeExchangeCartLLCalculates a residual contribution for the magnetic exchange energy.
- AFMSingleIonCubicSixthAnisotropyCalculates a residual contribution for the magnetic anisotropy energy.
- AFMSingleIonCubicSixthAnisotropySCCalculates a residual contribution for the magnetic anisotropy energy.
- AFMSublatticeAnisotropyCalculates a residual contribution for the magnetic anisotropy energy.
- AFMSublatticeDMInteractionCalculates a residual contribution for the DMI interaction on an AFM sublattice that supports such a thing
- AFMSublatticeDMInteractionSCCalculates a residual contribution for the DMI interaction on an AFM sublattice that supports such a thing
- AFMSublatticeSuperexchangeCalculates a residual contribution for the sublattice exchange in an antiferromagnet
- AnisotropicElectrostaticsCalculates a residual contribution due to nabla squared Phi = 0
- AnisotropyCartLLCalculates a residual contribution for the magnetic anisotropy energy.
- BulkEnergyDerivativeEighthCalculates the residual for the local free energy which is an eighth order expansion in the polarization.
- BulkEnergyDerivativeSixthCalculates the residual for the local free energy which is an sixth order expansion in the polarization.
- BulkEnergyDerivativeSixthCoupledTCalculates the residual for the local free energy which is an sixth order expansion in the polarization coupled to the thermal field through the first Landau coefficient.
- CarrierConCalculates a residual contribution due to free carriers
- CarrierIntCalculates a residual contribution due to free carriers
- CarrierRecCalculates a residual contribution due to free carriers
- ConstFieldThis is just a test kernel. It is a residual contribution due to a constant electric field term along the z-direction of polarization
- ConversePiezoelectricStrainCalculates the residual for additional piezoelectric strain arising in the conditions for mechanical equilibrium.
- DepolEnergyCalculates a residual contribution due to an arbitrary depolarization energy adjustment to the PE term.
- DivCurrentVCalculates a residual contribution due to modified ohm's law
- ElecCurrentCalculates a residual contribution due to nabla squared Phi = 0
- ElecGenCalculates a residual contribution due to nabla squared Phi = 0
- ElectrostaticsCalculates a residual contribution due to div*Phi = 0
- ElectrostrictiveCouplingDispDerivativeCalculates a residual contribution due to the spontaneous ferroelectric strain in the condition for mechanical equilibrium.
- ElectrostrictiveCouplingPolarDerivativeCalculates a residual contribution due to the variation w.r.t polarization of the electrostrictive coupling energy. Note: for cubic parent phase only.
- ElectrostrictiveCouplingPolarDerivativeTESTCalculates a residual contribution due to the variation w.r.t polarization of the electrostrictive coupling energy. Note: for cubic parent phase only only.
- ExchangeCartLLCalculates a residual contribution due to the magnetic exchange energy.
- FerroelectricCouplingPCalculates a residual contribution due to the variation w.r.t polarization of the electrostrictive coupling energy
- FerroelectricCouplingXCalculates a residual contribution due to the differentiation w.r.t spartial coordinates of the ferroelectric self-strain in the condition for mechanical equilibrium.
- FluctuationKernelCalculates a residual contribution introducing fluctuations useful in quasi-static hysteretic switching.
- HeatFlowElectricTCalculates a residual contribution due to modified ohm's law
- HoleCurrentCalculates a residual contribution due to nabla squared Phi = 0
- HoleGenCalculates a residual contribution due to nabla squared Phi = 0
- InPlaneSusceptibilityDerivativeCalculates the residual for the local free energy which is an eighth order expansion in the polarization.
- InteractionCartLLCalculates a residual contribution - MH in the total energy, assuming H = - div * potential.
- LocalConservedLangevinNoiseSource term for noise from a ConservedNoise userobject
- LocalLangevinNoiseSource term for non-conserved Langevin noise
- LongitudinalLLBCalculates a residual contribution for the magnetic anisotropy energy.
- MagHStrongCartCalculates a residual contribution for bound magnetic charge (div M)
- MagHStrongSublatticesCartCalculates a residual contribution for bound magnetic charge (div M1 + div M2)
- MagneticPMLCartCalculates a residual contribution to Laplacian in a stretched region
- MagnetostrictiveCouplingCubicHeffCalculates a residual contribution due to the magnetoelectric effective field. Note for cubic magnets only.
- MagnetostrictiveCouplingDispDerivativeCalculates a residual contribution due to the differentiation w.r.t spartial coordinates of the magnetoelastic self-strain in the condition for mechanical equilibrium. Note for cubic magnets only.
- MasterAnisotropyCartLLGCalculates a residual contribution for the magnetic anisotropy energy.
- MasterExchangeCartLLGCalculates a residual contribution due to the magnetic exchange energy.
- MasterInteractionCartLLGCalculates the Rij contribution (due to energy -M*H), assuming H = - div*Phi.
- MasterInteractionCartLLGHConstCalculates a residual contribution - MH in the total energy, assuming H = - div * potential.
- MasterLongitudinalLLBCalculates a residual contribution for the magnetic anisotropy energy.
- PiezoelectricStrainChargeCalculates a residual contribution due to a charge arising via piezoelectric coupling in the Poisson equation.
- PolarElectricEStrongCalculates a residual contribution due to divP (to be used with the electrostatics (Laplace) kernel).
- PolarElectricPStrongCalculates a residual contribution due to -PE term in the total energy.
- PolarElectricPStrongEConstCalculates a residual contribution due to -PE term in the total energy.
- RotatedBulkEnergyDerivativeSixthCalculates the residual for the local free energy which is an sixth order expansion in the polarization.
- RotoBulkEnergyDerivativeEighthAlt
- RotoPolarCoupledEnergyDistortDerivativeAlt
- RotoPolarCoupledEnergyPolarDerivativeAlt
- RotostrictiveCouplingDispDerivative
- RotostrictiveCouplingDistortDerivative
- SeebeckEffectCalculates a contribution due to nabla.j = 0
- TensorDivCurrentVCalculates a residual contribution due to modified ohm's law
- TensorHeatFlowElectricTCalculates a residual contribution due to modified ohm's law
- ThermalDiffusionCalculates a residual contribution due to ∇(k∇*T) = 0
- TimeDerivativeScaled
- Transformed110KernelCalculates the transformed residual for the local free energy which is an eighth order expansion in the polarization.
- Transformed111ElectrostrictiveCouplingDispDerivativeCalculates a residual contribution due to the differentiation w.r.t spartial coordinates of the ferroelectric self-strain in the condition for mechanical equilibrium. Note for BFO only.
- Transformed111ElectrostrictiveCouplingPolarDerivativeCalculates a residual contribution due to the variation w.r.t polarization of the electrostrictive coupling energy. Note: for cubic parent phase only only.
- Transformed111KernelOp3Calculates the transformed residual for the local free energy which is an eighth order expansion in the polarization.
- Transformed111KernelOp6Calculates the transformed residual for the local free energy which is an eighth order expansion in the polarization.
- Transformed111RotostrictiveCouplingDispDerivativeCalculates a residual contribution due to the differentiation w.r.t spartial coordinates of the ferroelectric self-strain in the condition for mechanical equilibrium. Note for BFO only.
- Transformed111RotostrictiveCouplingDistortDerivativeCalculates a residual contribution due to the variation w.r.t antiphase of the rotostrictive coupling energy. Note: for cubic parent phase only only.
- UniaxialAFMSublatticeCalculates a residual contribution for an uniaxial AFM sublattice
- Wall2EnergyDerivativeCalculates a residual contribution due to the variation w.r.t polarization of the gradient energy. This Kernel needs to be used in conjunction with WallEnergyDerivative!
- WallEnergyDerivativeCalculates a residual contribution due to the variation w.r.t polarization of the gradient energy. This Kernel needs to be used in conjunction with Wall2EnergyDerivative!
- Ferret App
- ADThermoelectricMaterialGeneral-purpose material model for thermoelectrics
- ComputeDeltaIndicatrixCompute the adjustments to the indicatrix (beta tensor).
- ComputeDeltaIndicatrixElectroCompute the adjustments to the indicatrix (beta tensor).
- ComputeElastoopticTensorCompute a photostrictive tensor.
- ComputeElectricalConductivityTDepTensorStore a temperature dependent electrical conductivity tensor.
- ComputeElectricalConductivityTensorStore an electric conductivity tensor
- ComputeElectroopticTensorCompute an electrooptic tensor.
- ComputeElectrostrictiveTensorCompute an electrostrictive tensor.
- ComputeGCoeffTensorCompute a polar-optic (g) tensor.
- ComputeIndicatrixCompute the impermeability tensor, or indicatrix.
- ComputePiezoTensorCompute the converse piezoelectric tensor.
- ComputePiezostrictiveTensorCompute a piezostrictive tensor.
- ComputePolarOpticGCoeffTensorCompute the adjustments to the indicatrix due to the polar-optic effect with gijkl coefficients.
- ComputePolarOpticTensorCompute the adjustments to the indicatrix (beta tensor) due to the polar-optic effect.
- ComputeSeebeckTDepTensorCompute a Seebeck tensor.
- ComputeSeebeckTensorCompute a Seebeck tensor.
- ComputeThermalConductivityTDepTensorCompute a ThermalConductivity tensor.
- ComputeThermalConductivityTensorCompute a ThermalConductivity tensor.
- ThermoelectricMaterialGeneral-purpose material model for thermoelectrics
- Ferret App
- AFDWallEnergyCalculates an integral over the computational volume of the free energy density due to afd vector field gradientscorresponding to gradients in the AFD field.
- AFMEasyPlaneAnisotropyEnergy
- AFMExchangeStiffnessEnergyCalculates an integral over the DM interaction free energy density (coupling AFD and magnetic ordering).
- AFMHomogeneousSublatticeExchangeEnergyCalculates an integral over the DM interaction free energy density (coupling AFD and magnetic ordering).
- AFMSingleIonAnisotropyAltEnergyCalculates an integral over the DM interaction free energy density (coupling AFD and magnetic ordering).
- AFMSingleIonAnisotropyEnergyCalculates an integral over the DM interaction free energy density (coupling AFD and magnetic ordering).
- AFMSingleIonCubicAnisotropyEnergyCalculates an integral over the DM interaction free energy density (coupling AFD and magnetic ordering).
- AFMSingleIonCubicSixthAnisotropyEnergyCalculates an integral over the DM interaction free energy density (coupling AFD and magnetic ordering).
- AFMSublatticeAnisotropyAltEnergy
- AFMSublatticeAnisotropyEnergy
- AFMSublatticeDMIEnergyCalculates an integral over the DM interaction free energy density (coupling AFD and magnetic ordering).
- AFMSublatticeDMInteractionEnergyCalculates an integral over the DM interaction free energy density (coupling AFD and magnetic ordering).
- AFMSublatticeSuperexchangeEnergyCalculates an integral over the DM interaction free energy density (coupling AFD and magnetic ordering).
- BulkEnergyCalculates an integral over the local sixth order energy density.
- BulkEnergyCoupledTCalculates an integral over the sixth order free energy density of local polarization coupled to temperature.
- BulkEnergyEighthCalculates an integral whose integrand is the eighth order expansion of the polarization.
- DepolarizationEnergyCalculates an integral over a fictious depolarization field energy density
- DomainVariantPopulationCalculates the fraction of volume of a given domain population (only works in tetragonal phase at the moment)
- ElasticEnergyCalculates an integral over the elastic energy density. Note this file also exists in tensor mechanics.
- ElectrostaticEnergyCalculates an integral over the PE term.
- ElectrostrictiveCouplingEnergyCalculates a volume integral over the electrostrictive coupling energy density.
- ElectrostrictiveEnergyCalculates an integral whose integrand is the electrostrictive energy
- EnergyRatePostprocessorCalculates the change of a postprocessor divided by the time step.
- InhomogeneousBulkEnergyCalculates an integral whose integrand is the free energy density corresponding to the disordered materials coefficients.
- MagneticAnisotropyEnergy
- MagneticExcessLLBEnergy
- MagnetostaticEnergyCart
- MasterMagneticAnisotropyEnergy
- MasterMagneticExchangeEnergyCalculates an integral over the magnetic exchange energy density.
- MasterMagneticZeemanEnergyCartCalculates a volume integral over the Zeeman interaction energy.
- RotoBulkEnergyEighthCalculates an integral whose integrand is the eighth order expansion of the AFD fields
- RotoPolarCoupledEnergyEighthCalculates an integral over the eighth order coupling energy density between AFD and polarization fields.
- RotopolarCouplingEnergyCalculates an integral over the fourth order coupling energy density between AFD and polarization fields.
- RotostrictiveCouplingEnergyCalculates a volume integral over the rotostrictive coupling free energy density.
- WallEnergyCalculates an integral over the Ginzburg term.
- Ferret App
- FerretProblem
- Ferret App
- BoundaryIntegralFMM
- GlobalATiO3MaterialRVEUserObjectGlobal Strain UserObject to provide Residual and diagonal Jacobian entry
- GlobalBFOMaterialRVEUserObjectGlobal Strain UserObject to provide Residual and diagonal Jacobian entry
- LocalConservedNormalNoiseGaussian normal distributed random number noise provider for the ConservedLangevinNoise kernel.
- LocalConservedUniformNoiseUniformly distributed random number noise provider for the ConservedLangevinNoise kernel.
- Transformed111GlobalBFOMaterialRVEUserObjectGlobal Strain UserObject to provide Residual and diagonal Jacobian entry