
Positions are used to keep track of the locations of objects during MOOSE-based simulations.

By default, they are updated when the mesh changes and on every execution. The execution schedule is by default very limited, but may be expanded using the execute_on parameter of every Positions object.

Positions support initialization from another Positions object. The name of the initialization object should be specified using the "initial_positions" parameter.

Combining positions

Positions from multiple sources may be concatenated using the ReporterPositions.

Example uses

Positions may be used to spawn subapps of a MultiApp at various locations, using the "positions_objects" parameter. The positions of the subapps will be updated with the Positions.


The number of Positions should currently stay constant during the simulation.

Available Objects

  • Moose App
  • ElementCentroidPositionsPositions of element centroids.
  • ElementGroupCentroidPositionsGets the Positions of the centroid of groups of elements. Groups may be defined using subdomains or element extra ids.
  • FilePositionsImport positions from one or more files.
  • FunctorPositionsImport positions from one or more reporters, for example other Positions
  • InputPositionsPositions set directly from a user parameter in the input file
  • MultiAppPositionsObtain positions from MultiApps. This may only be used to set the positions of those same multiapps if an 'initial_positions' parameter is used.
  • ReporterPositionsImport positions from one or more reporters, for example other Positions

Available Actions