1D Reflection Benchmark

This document describes the 1D metal-backed dielectric slab benchmark / verification test for the electromagnetics module. This is based on Section 3.4 in (Jin, 2014). The goal of the benchmark is to accurately determine the power reflected by the slab when impinged by an electric plane wave, compared to an analytic solution. Below is a summary of the test, along with relevant background theory, results, and the test input file for review.

Model Geometry

The geometry used in this benchmark is shown below in Figure 1.

Figure 1: Slab reflection benchmark geometry.

Governing Equations and Boundary Condition

As described in (Jin, 2014), this benchmark models a uniform plane wave striking an inhomogeneous dielectric backed by a perfectly conducting grounded plane. The slab, shown in Figure 1, has a thickness , a relative permittivity , and a relative permeability . Both material properties are functions of position in the slab. The medium outside the slab is free space (). An -polarized plane wave is the incoming wave, and can be represented in general by


  • is the magnitude of the incident field,

  • is the wavenumber () where is the wavelength),

  • , and

  • is the incidence angle of the wave.

The general scalar Helmholtz equation governing the electric field in this scenario is given by


The boundary condition on the conducting backing plane is given by


which is implemented in code by DirichletBC and the boundary condition just inside the slab interface with free space is given by

which is implemented in code by EMRobinBC.

Model Parameters and Functions

The JinSlabCoeffFunc test function object (located in modules/electromagnetics/test/src/functions) is used in this benchmark to represent the coefficient shown in Eq. (1). The complex-valued function is

The relative electric permittivity in the model is defined as

and the relative magnetic permeability is defined as

Other model parameters are shown below in Table 1.

Table 1: Constant model parameters for the slab reflection benchmark study.

Parameter (unit)Value
Wave frequency (MHz)20
Wavelength, (m)15
Wavenumber, (1/m) /
Slab thickness, (m)75
Incident wave magnitude, (V/m)1

Analytic Solution for Reflection Coefficient

The analytic solution approach is outlined in (Jin, 2014), Section 3.4.2, but will be summarized here. First the slab in Figure 1 should be divided into thin layers as shown in Figure 2, and the analytic solution to the original Helmholtz equation in Eq. (1) in a single layer should be found.

Figure 2: Slab reflection benchmark geometry, cut into layers.

This solution can be shown to be

where and are unknown constant coefficients. Enforcing continuity across the layer interfaces in the direction, we can find the wave reflection coefficient for the interface between the th and th layer to be


Given the DirichletBC placed on the metal surface in Eq. (2), it can be found that . Thus, the analytic solution can be determined recursively for the desired number of layers. The coefficient reported below in Figure 3 represents the magnitude of the coefficient , over a range of frequencies on the dielectric interface.

ReflectionCoefficient object

The postprocessor object used in this benchmark to calculate the percentage of reflected power is described in more detail in the ReflectionCoefficient documentation. To summarize, the object evaluates the following expression:

which assumes -polarized plane waves as used in this benchmark. Because wave power is proportional to the magnitude of the wave squared, the coefficient reported below in the results section representing the percentage of reflected power is

Input File

# 1D metal backed dielectric slab benchmark (electric field edition)
# Based on Section 3.4 of Jin, "The Finite Element Method in Electromagnetics, 3rd Ed."
# frequency = 20 MHz
# eps_R = 4 + (2 - j0.1)(1 - x/L)^2
# mu_R = 2 - j0.1
# L = 5 * wavelength

k =  0.41887902047863906 # 2 * pi * 20e6 / 3e8
L =  75 # = 5 * c / freq. (in m)
E0 = 1 # magnitude of the incident field (in V/m)
theta = 0 # wave incidence angle, in degrees

  theta = ${theta}

    type = GeneratedMeshGenerator
    dim = 1
    nx = 100
    xmin = 0
    xmax = ${L}
    type = RenameBoundaryGenerator
    input = slab
    old_boundary = 'left right'
    new_boundary = 'metal vacuum'

    order = FIRST
    family = LAGRANGE
    order = FIRST
    family = LAGRANGE

    type = JinSlabCoeffFunc
    k = ${k}
    length = ${L}
    component = real
    type = JinSlabCoeffFunc
    k = ${k}
    length = ${L}
    component = imaginary
    type = JinSlabCoeffFunc
    k = ${k}
    length = ${L}
    coef = -1
    component = imaginary
    type = ParsedFunction
    expression = 'cos(${theta})'

    type = ADGenericFunctionMaterial
    prop_names = coeff_real_material
    prop_values = coeff_real
    type = ADGenericFunctionMaterial
    prop_names = coeff_imag_material
    prop_values = coeff_imag
    type = ADGenericFunctionMaterial
    prop_names = negative_coeff_imag_material
    prop_values = negative_coeff_imag

    type = Diffusion
    variable = E_real
    type = ADMatReaction
    reaction_rate = coeff_real_material
    variable = E_real
    type = ADMatCoupledForce
    mat_prop_coef = negative_coeff_imag_material
    v = E_imag
    variable = E_real
    type = Diffusion
    variable = E_imag
    type = ADMatReaction
    reaction_rate = coeff_real_material
    variable = E_imag
    type = ADMatCoupledForce
    mat_prop_coef = coeff_imag_material
    v = E_real
    variable = E_imag

    type = DirichletBC
    value = 0
    variable = E_real
    boundary = metal
    type = DirichletBC
    value = 0
    variable = E_imag
    boundary = metal
    type = EMRobinBC
    coeff_real = ${k}
    func_real = cosTheta
    profile_func_real = ${E0}
    boundary = vacuum
    component = real
    field_real = E_real
    field_imaginary = E_imag
    variable = E_real
    sign = negative
    type = EMRobinBC
    coeff_real = ${k}
    func_real = cosTheta
    profile_func_real = ${E0}
    boundary = vacuum
    component = imaginary
    field_real = E_real
    field_imaginary = E_imag
    variable = E_imag
    sign = negative

    type = ReflectionCoefficient
    k = ${k}
    length = ${L}
    incoming_field_magnitude = ${E0}
    field_real = E_real
    field_imag = E_imag
    boundary = vacuum
    outputs = 'csv console'

    type = SMP
    full = true

  type = Steady
  solve_type = NEWTON
  petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type'
  petsc_options_value = 'lu'

  exodus = false
  csv = true
  print_linear_residuals = true

Results and Discussion

The input file shown above was swept over a range of angles from to , and the results for 100 elements compared to the analytic solution are shown below in Figure 3, where there is good agreement with the analytical solution. Jin also saw a deviation between the analytic solution and the finite element solution corresponding to smaller angles of incidence. They attributed this deviation to the idea that as increases, the magnitude of the coefficient in the second term of Eq. (1) decreases. In physical terms, this means that there will be slower field variation in the -direction as we approach , giving more consistent results between the two solutions. A 1D model might not be adequate to capture the reflection exactly with smaller .

Figure 3: Slab reflection benchmark results.


  1. Jian-Ming Jin. The Finite Element Method in Electromagnetics. John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, New Jersey, USA, 3rd edition, 2014.[BibTeX]