MOOSE Action System

MOOSE Actions are used to execute tasks. Each application registers numerous actions, tasks, and syntax. Each task is associated with one or more actions, and each action may perform one or more tasks. Syntax is used by the input file parser to generate actions.

Common uses for actions are to perform setup and create MOOSE objects.

Creating Actions

To create a new action, first derive from the appropriate base class: if the new action is to correspond to creating MOOSE objects from an input file, then derive from MooseObjectAction; else, derive from Action.

The act() method must be implemented to perform the associated task(s). If the action will be registered to multiple tasks, then the variable _current_task can be queried to determine the current task, for example,

  if (_current_task == "example_task_a")
    // "example_task_a" execution
  else if (_current_task == "example_task_b")
    // "example_task_b" execution

MooseObjectActions, have the member variables _type and _moose_object_pars, which correspond to the type and InputParameters of the MOOSE object to be created, respectively. For example, the action to create a BC object has the following act() method:

  _problem->addBoundaryCondition(_type, _name, _moose_object_pars);

The action should be registered to one or more tasks using the registerMooseAction macro (conventionally in the action source file), for example,

registerMooseAction("ExampleApp", ExampleAction, "example_task_a");
registerMooseAction("ExampleApp", ExampleAction, "example_task_b");

Registering Tasks

Like MOOSE objects, tasks and syntax are registered in an application's constructor, conventionally from a static method called registerAll. MOOSE's tasks, actions, and syntax are defined in Moose.C, for example.

Several macros are relevant for registration of tasks and syntax.

Tasks must be registered using the registerTask macro:

registerTask("task_name", is_required)

where task_name is the name of the new task, and is_required should be set to true if the task is required by the application. A required task always has all of its associated actions executed, even if no syntax triggers it.

Tasks may have dependencies between them. The macro addTaskDependency is used to declare that a task depends on another, for example,

addTaskDependency("secondary_task", "primary_task")

Here a task called "secondary_task" will be executed sometime after the task called "primary_task".

Registering Syntax

There are two macros associated with registering syntax to an action/task: registerSyntax and registerSyntaxTask:

registerSyntax(action, syntax);
registerSyntaxTask(action, syntax, task);

The difference between these is only apparent when the action has more than one task registered to it; in this case, the additional argument in registerSyntaxTask specifies which task of the specified action to execute.

For example, the AddKernelAction is registered to tasks for adding kernels and aux kernels:

registerSyntaxTask("AddKernelAction", "Kernels/*", "add_kernel");
registerSyntaxTask("AddKernelAction", "AuxKernels/*", "add_aux_kernel");

The syntax need not be associated only to sub-blocks in the input file. For example, the existence of a Mesh block triggers SetupMeshCompleteAction:

registerSyntax("SetupMeshCompleteAction", "Mesh");

Also, note that actions do not necessarily require registration of any associated syntax to execute a task: if that task is registered as required, then the action always will be built:

registerTask("task_name", true);

How Actions Are Built

The input file parser creates actions by finding actions/tasks that are associated to a given syntax via the syntax registration calls (see Registering Syntax). After these actions are created, other actions may be "auto-built" to satisfy unsatisfied required (see Registering Tasks) tasks: the tasks are sorted via the dependency resolver, using the registered dependencies between them, and then for each unsatisfied, required task, a loop over all of the actions registered to that task is performed:

Auto-build algorithm

1:  for each unsatisfied, required task do
2:       for each action registered to do
3:            if all required parameters of are valid then
4:                 build
5:            end if
6:       end for
7:  end for

Note that there is no "break" statement after "build "; that is, the auto-building of actions does not stop after the first action has been built.

Relationship Managers and Actions

If adding any MooseObjects in a custom action and those objects have associated relationship managers, then the addRelationshipManagers(Moose::RelationshipManagerType input_rm_type) must be overridden. Both the ContactAction in the contact module, and PorousFlowActionBase in the porous flow module provide examples of overriding this method. For the reasons behind why this must be done in the action system, please see Relationship Managers and Actions.

Controlling Action Parameters

Action parameters can be controlled like other MOOSE object parameters. See Controllable Parameters Added by Actions for more information.

Troubleshooting Actions

There are two debugging flags that are particularly useful for troubleshooting actions/tasks:

  • show_actions: show the list of actions as they execute (in order).

  • show_action_dependencies: show the action dependency sets generated by the task dependency resolution, with the groups ordered by execution.

These flags are used in a Debug block:

  show_actions = true
  show_action_dependencies = true

Additional Notes

The following is a list of miscellaneous notes that may be useful to advanced developers:

  • The lifetime of actions is the entire simulation.

  • Actions can be obtained via the ActionWarehouse with methods such as getAction, getActions, etc.

  • Actions may be added by other actions, but the added action will only execute for tasks occurring after the task in which the action is added.