
Base class for all GeneralField transfers. It holds most setup and communication routines, leaving to the derived classes the charge of computing the transferred values.

General description

A GeneralField transfer proceeds as follows:

Each process first looks to find which source application it will be talking to. This is based on geometric proximity, leveraging bounding boxes enclosing each application's domain. The bounding boxes may need to be extended using the "bbox_factor" parameter to expand the domain considered for transfers with wider stencils.

Then each process shares the list of target points, locations it needs data for, with each of the processes owning the source applications of interest. These other processes then, using the behavior defined in the derived class, compute the local value of the source variable. They also share geometric information about where this evaluation of the source variable was located, which can be used for interpolation for example.

Finally, the data received is placed in the solution vector of the target variable(s). This is performed using a local projection with the shape function of the target variable(s) in order to support higher order variables.

Features supported

All transfers derived from this base class should be able to support:

  • block restriction in both the source and target application

  • boundary restriction in both the source and target application

  • arbitrary number of parallel processes for both the source and target application

  • support for replicated and distributed meshes in both applications involved

  • transfers between parent and child applications

  • transfers between sibling applications (child to child)

  • transfers between parent and multiple child applications in different locations

  • transfers to and from a displaced mesh

  • transfers of nodal and elemental variables

  • transfers between variables of different finite element/volume family and type

  • transfers between regular and array variables

  • transfers from multiple variables to multiple variables

  • interpolation and extrapolation transfers, as defined by the derived class

  • detection of indetermination due to source points equidistant to a target point

  • limitation of transfer source to the nearest position (see Positions) of target point


Examine each derived object's respective documentation for feature support.


Floating point equidistance detection is turned on by default and will limit the scalability of the transfer. Please set "search_value_conflicts" to false for large cases.

Features not supported

The following features cannot be supported by general field transfers, as a limitation of the MultiAppGeneralFieldTransfer base class.

  • bi-directional transfer, a single transfer that send data to an app and from that same application

  • transfers between two sibling MultiApps with different numbers of child applications

  • reduction operations, sum/average/min/max, on data transferred from multiple child apps

  • transfers between vector variables

These features are currently unsupported, but could be enabled if necessary with reasonable efforts:

  • general coordinate transformations. Only the positions of the child apps are supported.

  • caching optimizations for when both the target and origin mesh are constant

Use of bounding boxes

Bounding boxes are used in general field transfers to perform very fast checks on whether a point could belong to an origin mesh. If the point is not inside the bounding box of an application's mesh, then it clearly cannot be inside that mesh. This allows to disqualify a majority of origin meshes very fast in situations where the transfer obtains data from multiple applications.

This process fails in several situations. When seeking to extrapolate from a source application (or interpolate between non-overlapping source applications), the target points can naturally be outside the bounding box of the source applications. In order to resolve this, the Transfer's "bbox_factor" and "fixed_bounding_box_size" may be used to inflate the bounding boxes.


"bounding_box_inflation" and "bounding_box_padding" parameters of the origin MultiApp are ignored. Only the MultiAppGeneralFieldTransfer "bbox_factor" and "fixed_bounding_box_size" parameters are taken into account.

Using the Positions system to restrict transfer sources

In addition to block and boundary restriction, the Positions system may be used to match origin and target points. When specified with the "use_nearest_position" parameter, each target point of a transfer will only be matched with sources that are closest to the same Position as the target point. The sources are simply the applications for:

and nodes or centroids for:


Unlike block and boundary restriction which are inclusive (more origin blocks/boundaries specified means a larger source), specifiying more Positions further restricts the considered source for a given target point.


The "nearest position" criterion for the source of a transfer is obeyed strictly. If closer, an invalid value (triggering the use of the "extrapolation_constant") should and will be preferred over a valid value.

Overlap and floating point precision indetermination detection

The derived classes of MultiAppGeneralFieldTransfer may keep track of indetermination in origin values. In the event of indetermination in origin values, a single value is still selected, usually the one from the process with the lowest rank. These indetermination occur when for example:

  • multiple points in the origin mesh(es) are equidistant to the target location, for nearest-node type transfers

  • multiple child apps have an equidistant point to the target location, for nearest-node type transfers

  • multiple child apps can compute a valid value for a target location because their meshes overlap

MultiAppGeneralFieldTransfer itself keeps track of indetermination by examining received values for each target point. This occurs when multiple values are received for a single target point. Some transfers examine the distance between origin and target points to select a value, but this can still lead to indetermination if the distances are the same.

Mesh, block or boundary restriction can sometimes be used to alleviate these indeterminations in the origin values. Other times, either remeshing one of the apps or using the "positions" parameter to create a very small offset can help remove the indetermination.